Adventures in Studying

So this week it has felt like all of grad school has crashed down at once. Ahh. I am in one last class and am getting three credits worth of research by helping my adviser and her colleague on grant work and implementing a program into a school.

I am loving my last class and feel really confident BUT this research is totally outside of my comfort zone. I am working independently with vague expectations and deadlines and it's such a challenge for me. I'm also doing work I've never done before. Like academic research that actually effects real life situations and lit reviews! Yuck.  And I have a steady 3.7ish cumm gpa and I don't want to jeopardize this.  (Sometimes I wonder what high school could have been like if I worked as hard as I did in undergrad and grad school...)

So I have been working on optimism, organization, and productivity. And so far so good. 

On Sunday, I put on my new power suit (and halloween costume).
And made the most detailed to do list of all time (it has since been added to and rewritten).
I also had a great family meal with the family I lived with last year! That helps a lot.
On top of the school work, I'm taking my licensing exam on Tuesday next week (ahh!) and I am starting the DC job hunt.

Super casual. Nothing life changing or anything.

I'm going to go try not to pull my hair out now!
Happy Wednesday!



  1. Yikes, good luck with everything! Also... I couldn't help up laugh when I saw your title and your halloween costume pop up on my feedly. Love the costume! Looks a lot like JM's :)


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