Boston, Babies, and Bonding

For my birthday last month, Ryan got me a ticket to go meet my newest nephew, Stephen.  And last weekend I ventured to Boston for the first time in 7 years to spend time with my brother, sister-in-law, and their bundle of joy!  I had such a great time with the three of them.  It was so nice to have quality time with them.  When I normally see them, we are always all in town for a big event or holiday and we don't get a lot of talking in so it was wonderful just to sit and talk together. 

Stephen is such a peanut and has the cutest--everything! We had a couple of fantastic meals out and on Saturday night I babysat so they could celebrate Valentine's Day...they paid in form of chocolate cake so it was hands down the best babysitting job I've had (the baby made it pretty great too).  The weekend was filled with so much quality time with both my sister-in-law and brother.  As you can see from the pictures, Stephen is quite the sleeper!  I am already counting down the days/months until I will see them all again.  It is so hard missing such big chunks of my nephews' first years...especially when they are growing so fast! 
When I got back on Sunday, Ryan and I briefly celebrated Valentine's Day with exchanging cards and he got me some gorgeous tulips...I'm such a lucky girl.  And even with the snow and ice yesterday, we ventured out for a pizza date to celebrate.  We don't usually do gifts on Valentine's day (the joy of having a birthday and our anniversary two weeks before) but Ryan got me a gorgeous bouquet of tulips and a super cute box of chocolates. 

My mom also sent us an adorable Valentine's day package that helped us surpass our candy quota...for the year!

One new favorite thing about DC: in 24 hours in snowed 6 inches, we had freezing rain and sleet, it rained, and then was 50 degrees and sunny.  I should start carrying four different types of jackets in my car at all times!
Now, look how sweet he is!  I love that little boy so much and miss him already! 

Love and baby snuggles!


  1. The baby pictures are obviously precious... but I also love the one of you and Stephen!!


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