A Week of Summer in Omaha

This past week, I was able to go home and visit Omaha to see my sister, mom, and niece and nephew.  The cute girls I nanny went on vacation so I got a paid vacation (one of the best job perks—other than all of the toddler snuggles).  Sadly, my dad was out of town for work, but that means the only boy around was my sweet nephew, JM.  So it was girl time the whole time!  I got some amazing quality time with my mom, sister, and sweet niece Clara. 

Just about every summer since college I have gotten to spend at least a week in Omaha and it is always one of my favorite weeks of the year.  It is getting a little more bittersweet now with my puppy and husband at home (especially since this week Murray had a wonderful little (big) poop problem).  While Ryan was cleaning the kennel every night after work, I was busy laughing with the girls, exploring Lincoln, going to my favorite Omaha places to eat, playing with JM, and snuggling with Clara.  I can’t wait for my next trip to see my Isom girls—luckily we are all going to the Edel Gathering in Austin in 2 weeks and this time my SIL gets to join, too!


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