Time Together Spiel

I just got back from Kansas City to visit extended family and weekends away are hard. I very rarely see my family let alone my extended family so traveling to Omaha or Kansas City is always wonderful, but if it’s not with Ryan it’s hard on us. 

We are surrounded by people in much harder situations with their spouse distance-wise including my own parents so i know we have it easy but during the week we MAYBE spend 5 hours together. When we wake up we are hustling around handing Murray duties off to the other and getting to work (and dragging each other out of bed). Monday through Friday Ryan usually gets home from work between 9:30-10. And since my job is one that i need to be pretty well rested for (carting around and entertaining twin 2 year olds is ((literally)) a full-time job), i get in bed around 9:30. That means that if we’re lucky we can say goodnight and quickly give each other the low down on our days before i head to bed and Ryan heats up his dinner.  

And. It. Sucks. We are really accustomed to this now and really take advantage of our Saturdays and Sunday’s, but it doesn’t make it much easier. I try really hard to be understanding and i will say that o now only get frustrated about once every few months. And poor Ryan. 
Because I’m not frustrated with him or his job (because he loves it and worked his smart tush off to get to this point) but just with the situation. This past Friday there was a teary eyed meg waiting for Ryan when he got home from work because it is especially worse after a vacation together. 

We got to spend so much quality time with each other over Thanksgiving that going back to our normal schedule on Monday was hard on top of me being out of town this past weekend. So, when i just had about 15 minutes to spend with him when he got home Friday so i could still get a good night sleep (those 6 AM flights are a doozey) i is as just plain sad. Luckily for us (and unluckily for my exhaustion), i stayed up late which felt like some great bonus time with him that i didn’t expect and it was just a good talk. And that is bittersweet—made it even harder to leave him that next morning but made me so grateful to be married to such a rockstar of a husband. 

Essentially, time apart is hard. And even though we are so lucky that we do see each other at least everyday, we still can be found pouting about it on occasion!!


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