Heyo, it's Megan!  Welcome to Session Spiels!  My personal blog featuring my therapy, our great adventures and spiels about so many things I find important (that aren't always important)!   I'm 29 and living in Old Town Alexandria with my husband, Ryan, and our bear of a pup, Murray. 

I am an aunt to two cute nephews and two sweet nieces!  I am also a full time nanny with a bachelor's degree in secondary education and English and a master's degree in school counseling.  I'm known well for my love of polkadots, glitter, diet coke, and nail polish.  I've truly never met a donut I didn't like and regularly walk in circles to reach my fitbit goals. 

I hope you stick around!  I can't promise stellar content but I can promise I'll try and fail to be funny and charming often.


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