Adventures in Shopping

I absolutely love to shop.  It's not secret to anyone that knows me.  I love buying that notepad in the dollar section at target just as much as the rare expensive purchase at the mall.  I love buying gifts and even love going to the grocery store each week.  I thank (and blame) my mother for this trait :)

But, in DC we have no room.  Like, our bedroom is so small that I have half a drawer of a dresser and a garment rack that takes up the only free space in the room. It's been awesome for my bank account.  Since I don't have room for crap, I haven't been buying crap!  I also work with two babies every day SO---I have no desire to buy the cutest new Loft top when I am hardly wearing the ones I own.  My current work uniform is t shirts and leggings.  Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining but I crave dressing up and an excuse for lipstick (my high school self would hate me for saying that). 

One thing I had been anxiously awaiting to purchase was a Love your Melon beanie and during the release last week I managed to snag one!  I now am wearing it constantly and I am pretty sure my cool factor has been upped?  (It's probably now decreased significantly since typing that).  Now I am trying to rationalize why I don't need another one...they're just so cute and for a good cause! They are having another release today if you are tempted to snag one too! 

Since discovering the amazing walkable stores from my usual metro stop--I have been craving walking around and doing some (mostly) window shopping.  And on Sunday I finally had the opportunity!  I had been looking at the same tops on the H&M for weeks, but wanted to look in the stores and ever since we had to quickly leave Forever 21 because Ryan was too hot aka we never go shopping together and I took him into a three story store--he needed to get out!  I've been wanting to go back solo.  So, I rationalized spending a little bit of money and set off on Sunday after mass. 

I walked around the limited amount of stores where I knew I wouldn't fall in love with something I couldn't afford and only ended up with some clothes at H&M!  I walked away with only black and gray---I was disappointed in myself!  I seem to becoming much more monochrome in my clothing choices (it's easier to match a fun lipstick if I am just wearing black!).  I got this go to shirt, this fun sweatshirt (at least I got a crazy pattern), and this sweatshirt for work.  No regrets!  I am really excited about them and love H&M's prices.  They are hard to beat!

I can't wait for the day that I will have a normal closet again and start making a lot of unnecessary purchases (Ryan is pretty happy with my limited closet space and fewer purchases--can you tell why?) :)

Two posts in one day--who am I?

Have a great week guys!  I hope your Monday is going as smoothly as mine (the babies are finally sleeping)!



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