7QT: Fall FOMO, Books, and Planning

Linking up with Kelly for another round of Quick Takes!

1. I love ANY Oktoberfest celebrations, particularly link-toberfest.  My first (this is my second) 7QT was early September.  And I have semi-gotten the hang of things with my blog since then.  Thanks to Em!  Speaking of Oktoberfest, I have some serious fall FOMO (fear of missing out) going on.  I live in a gorgeous area surrounded even more gorgeous areas.  There are endless apple-picking and pumpkin farms around Milwaukee.  And so much to do in the fall.  And a lot of my friends are married or engaged and have their go-to live in pal for these outing and I only have one weekend with Ry (pick him up in 3 hours!---eek!) so I am struggling.  I want to do all the fall fun stuff too!  Luckily, my friend Becca is going to hit up Apple Holler with me to pick apples later in October! 
A year ago this weekend---pumpkins with Ryan
Becca-My Apple Picking Buddy

2. Em and I have been planning an epic baby shower for our sister-in-law Preston and next Saturday is the big day!  We have been organizing it for weeks in hopes of giving her the perfect day!  It is entirely children's book themed and I am so excited to see it come together.  Hopefully, we have done enough prep that next week isn't crazy!

3. I have been reading non stop lately and my newest favorite is "What Alice Forgot" which is also being made into a movie.  I HIGHLY recommend this book! And any and all other books by that author.  DO IT.  You will not regret it.

4. I recently started reading and following The Newly and she has been a huge inspiration on my lip color and any and all little boots I feel like I now need.  I am now obsessed with this berry color.  I love that it's a bold lip but still something I could wear daily.  And the affirmation from Em didn't hurt.

5. My love for chobani flip has not wavered but I forgot how much I love this Yoplait fall favorite.

6. Today I finally had a hair appointment to color my hair.  I am trying to work my way back to a more natural brown before the big day.  I think it'll take a number of appointments so I thought I would start early.  There isn't a huge difference but I am happy with how it turned out!

7. Last weekend, when my mom visited, she brought me my wedding reception shoes!  They are PERFECT and all of my favorite things-my wedding colors, glitter, and Kate Spade!  Now, I just need to find the perfect gold ballet slipper for the ceremony!

Happy Friday!!


  1. LOVE too many of these!!
    1. Can we live in the same city soon so we can do fall things together??
    2. How is this only a week away??
    4. Love the lipstick! Can we try to find a shade like this for me??
    5. Ew. I can't believe you like that haha
    6. I've always loved your natural color :) I think it looks great!
    7. I am OBSESSED!!!!!

    See you soon!!!!!

    1. We really do need to live in the same city. I would even settle for a few hours apart! And when I get home lets definitely go on a lipstick hunt!

  2. Wow. That was a lot of punctuation!


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